Publications since 2010

Publications since 2010

Journal Article (10)

Journal Article
Siddiqui, K. M.; Bittmann, S.; Hayes, S. A.; Krawczyk, K. M.; Sarracini, A.; Corthey, G.; Dsouza, R.; Miller, R. J. D.: Ultrafast signatures of merocyanine overcoming steric impedance in crystalline spiropyran. Nature Communications 15 (1), 10659 (2024)
Journal Article
Hatton, C. E.; Mehrabi, P.: Exploring the dynamics of allostery through multi-dimensional crystallography. Biophysical Reviews 16 (5), pp. 563 - 570 (2024)
Journal Article
Baxter, J. M.; Hutchison, C. D. M.; Fadini, A.; Maghlaoui, K.; Cordon-Preciado, V.; Morgan, R. M. L.; Agthe, M.; Horrell, S.; Tellkamp, F.; Mehrabi, P. et al.; Pfeifer, Y.; Müller-Werkmeister, H. M.; von Stetten, D.; Pearson, A. R.; van Thor, J. J.: Power Density Titration of Reversible Photoisomerization of a Fluorescent Protein Chromophore in the Presence of Thermally Driven Barrier Crossing Shown by Quantitative Millisecond Serial Synchrotron X-ray Crystallography. Journal of the American Chemical Society 146 (24), pp. 16394 - 16403 (2024)
Journal Article
Jiang, Y.; Hayes, S.; Bittmann, S.; Sarracini, A.; Liu, L. C.; Müller-Werkmeister, H. M.; Miyawaki, A.; Hada, M.; Nakano, S.; Takahashi, R. et al.; Banu, S.; Koshihara, S.; Takahashi, K.; Ishikawa, T.; Miller, R. J. D.: Direct observation of photoinduced sequential spin transition in a halogen-bonded hybrid system by complementary ultrafast optical and electron probes. Nature Communications 15 (1), 4604 (2024)
Journal Article
Bosman, R.; Prester, A.; Sung, S.; von Soosten, L.; Dibenedetto, S.; Bartels, K.; von Stetten, D.; Mehrabi, P.; Blatter, M.; Lu, G. et al.; Suer, B.; Wilmanns, M.; Osbild, M.; Schulz, E.-C.: A systematic comparison of Kapton-based HARE chips for fixed-target serial crystallography. Cell Reports Physical Science 5 (6), 101987 (2024)
Journal Article
Gharib, M.; Yates, A. J.; Sanders, S.; Gebauer, J.; Graf, S.; Ziefuß, A. R.; Nonappa, N.; Kassier, G.; Rehbock, C.; Barcikowski, S. et al.; Weller, H.; Alabastri, A.; Nordlander, P.; Parak, W. J.; Chakraborty, I.: Golden Plasmophores with Tunable Photoluminescence and Outstanding Thermal and Photothermal Stability. Advanced Optical Materials 12 (14), 2302833 (2024)
Journal Article
Reinke, P. Y. A.; Schubert, R.; Oberthür, D.; Galchenkova, M.; Mashhour, A. R.; Günther, S.; Chretien, A.; Round, A.; Seychell, B. C.; Norton-Baker, B. et al.; Kim, C.; Schmidt, C.; Koua, F. H. M.; Tolstikova, A.; Ewert, W.; Murillo, G. E. P.; Mills, G.; Kirkwood, H.; Brognaro, H.; Han, H.; Koliyadu, J.; Schulz, J.; Bielecki, J.; Lieske, J.; Maracke, J.; Knoska, J.; Lorenzen, K.; Brings, L.; Sikorski, M.; Kloos, M.; Vakili, M.; Vagovic, P.; Middendorf, P.; de Wijn, R.; Bean, R.; Letrun, R.; Han, S.; Falke, S.; Geng, T.; Sato, T.; Srinivasan, V.; Kim, Y.; Yefanov, O. M.; Gelisio, L.; Beck, T.; Doré, A. S.; Mancuso, A. P.; Betzel, C.; Bajt, S.; Redecke, L.; Chapman, H. N.; Meents, A.; Turk, D.; Hinrichs, W.; Lane, T. J.: SARS-CoV-2 Mpro responds to oxidation by forming disulfide and NOS/SONOS bonds. Nature Communications 15 (1), 3827 (2024)
Journal Article
Jha, A.; Zhang, P.-P.; Tiwari, V.; Chen, L.; Thorwart, M.; Miller, R. J. D.; Duan, H.-G.: Unraveling quantum coherences mediating primary charge transfer processes in photosystem II reaction center. Science Advances 10 (10), eadk1312 (2024)
Journal Article
Berkes, A.; Kleine-Doepke, S.; Leimkohl, J.-P.; Schikora, H.; Mehrabi, P.; Tellkamp, F.; Schulz, E.-C.: An electropneumatic cleaning device for piezo-actuator-driven picolitre-droplet dispensers. Journal of Applied Crystallography 57 (1), pp. 209 - 214 (2024)
Journal Article
Hogan-Lamarre, P.; Luo, Y.; Bücker, R.; Miller, R. J. D.; Zou, X.: STEM SerialED: achieving high-resolution data for ab initio structure determination of beam-sensitive nanocrystalline materials. IUCrJ 11 (1), pp. 62 - 72 (2024)

Preprint (1)

Schulz, E.-C.; Prester, A.; von Stetten, D.; Gore, G.; Hatton, C. E.; Bartels, K.; Leimkohl, J.-P.; Schikora, H.; Ginn, H. M.; Tellkamp, F. et al.; Mehrabi, P.: Probing the modulation of enzyme kinetics by multi-temperature, time-resolved serial crystallography. (2024)
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