Publications since 2010

Publications of G. Corthey

Journal Article (5)

Journal Article
Siddiqui, K. M.; Bittmann, S.; Hayes, S. A.; Krawczyk, K. M.; Sarracini, A.; Corthey, G.; Dsouza, R.; Miller, R. J. D.: Ultrafast signatures of merocyanine overcoming steric impedance in crystalline spiropyran. Nature Communications 15 (1), 10659 (2024)
Journal Article
Bittmann, S.; Dsouza, R.; Siddiqui, K. M.; Hayes, S. A.; Rossos, A.; Corthey, G.; Kochman, M.; Prokhorenko, V.; Murphy, R. S.; Schwoerer, H. et al.; Miller, R. J. D.: Ultrafast ring-opening and solvent-dependent product relaxation of photochromic spironaphthopyran. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 21 (33), pp. 18119 - 18127 (2019)
Journal Article
Xian, R.; Corthey, G.; Rogers, D. M.; Morrison, C. A.; Prokhorenko, V.; Hayes, S. A.; Miller, R. J. D.: Coherent ultrafast lattice-directed reaction dynamics of triiodide anion photodissociation. Nature Chemistry 9 (6), pp. 516 - 522 (2017)
Journal Article
Siddiqui, K. M.; Corthey, G.; Hayes, S. A.; Rossos, A.; Badali, D. S.; Xian, R.; Murphy, R. S.; Whitaker, B. J.; Miller, R. J. D.: Synchronised photoreversion of spirooxazine ring opening in thin crystals to uncover ultrafast dynamics. CrystEngComm 18 (38), pp. 7212 - 7216 (2016)
Journal Article
Ishikawa, T.; Hayes, S.; Keskin, S.; Corthey, G.; Hada, M.; Pichugin, K.; Marx, A.; Hirscht, J.; Shionuma, K.; Onda, K. et al.; Okimoto, Y.; Koshihara, S.-y.; Yamamoto, T.; Cui, H.; Nomura, M.; Oshima, Y.; Abdel-Jawad, M.; Kato, R.; Miller, R. J. D.: Direct observation of collective modes coupled to molecular orbital–driven charge transfer. Science 350 (6267), pp. 1501 - 1505 (2015)

Conference Paper (2)

Conference Paper
Xian, R.; Corthey, G.; Hayes, S. A.; Morrison, C. A.; Rogers, D. M.; Marx, A.; Prokhorenko, V.; Lu, C.; Miller, R. J. D.: Towards Atomically-Resolved Structural Changes during a Solid State Geminate Recombination Reaction. In: International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena, Vol. 2016, UTh2B.1. International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena 2016, Santa Fe, New Mexico United States, July 17, 2016 - July 22, 2016. OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America), Washington, DC, United States (2016)
Conference Paper
Hayes, S. A.; Ishikawa, T.; Keskin, S.; Hada, M.; Marx, A.; Corthey, G.; Pichugin, K.; Nomura, M.; Kato, R.; Onda, K. et al.; Okimoto, Y.; Koshiharab, S.; Miller, R. J. D.: Observation of the photoinduced phase transition in Me4P[Pt(dmit)2]2 by femtosecond electron diffraction. In: 19th International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena. 19th International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena, Okinawa, Japan, July 07, 2014 - July 11, 2014. (2014)
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