Publications since 2010

Publications of V. Tiwari

Journal Article (9)

Journal Article
Jha, A.; Zhang, P.-P.; Tiwari, V.; Chen, L.; Thorwart, M.; Miller, R. J. D.; Duan, H.-G.: Unraveling quantum coherences mediating primary charge transfer processes in photosystem II reaction center. Science Advances 10 (10), eadk1312 (2024)
Journal Article
Duan, H.-G.; Jha, A.; Chen, L.; Tiwari, V.; Cogdell, R. J.; Ashraf, K.; Prokhorenko, V.; Thorwart, M.; Miller, R. J. D.: Quantum coherent energy transport in the Fenna–Matthews–Olson complex at low temperature. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 119 (49), e2212630119 (2022)
Journal Article
Chatterjee, G.; Jha, A.; Blanco-Gonzalez, A.; Tiwari, V.; Manathunga, M.; Duan, H.-G.; Tellkamp, F.; Prokhorenko, V.; Ferré, N.; Dasgupta, J. et al.; Olivucci, M.; Miller, R. J. D.: Torsionally broken symmetry assists infrared excitation of biomimetic charge-coupled nuclear motions in the electronic ground state. Chemical Science 13 (32), pp. 9392 - 9400 (2022)
Journal Article
Yan, Y.; Liu, C.; Yang, Y.; Hu, G.; Tiwari, V.; Jiang, D.-e.; Peng, W.; Jha, A.; Duan, H.-G.; Tellkamp, F. et al.; Ding, Y.; Shi, W.; Yuan, S.; Miller, R. J. D.; Ma, W.; Zhao, J.: Fundamental Flaw in the Current Construction of the TiO2 Electron Transport Layer of Perovskite Solar Cells and Its Elimination. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 13 (33), pp. 39371 - 39378 (2021)
Journal Article
Duan, H.-G.; Tiwari, V.; Jha, A.; Berdiyorov, G. R.; Akimov, A.; Vendrell, O.; Nayak, P. K.; Snaith, H. J.; Thorwart, M.; Li, Z. et al.; Madjet, M. E.; Miller, R. J. D.: Photoinduced Vibrations Drive Ultrafast Structural Distortion in Lead Halide Perovskite. Journal of the American Chemical Society 142 (39), pp. 16569 - 16578 (2020)
Journal Article
Duan, H.-G.; Jha, A.; Li, X.; Tiwari, V.; Ye, H.; Nayak, P. K.; Zhu, X.-L.; Li, Z.; Martinez, T. J.; Thorwart, M. et al.; Miller, R. J. D.: Intermolecular vibrations mediate ultrafast singlet fission. Science Advances 6 (38), eabb0052 (2020)
Journal Article
Duan, H.-G.; Jha, A.; Tiwari, V.; Miller, R. J. D.; Thorwart, M.: Dissociation and localization dynamics of charge transfer excitons at a donor-acceptor interface. Chemical Physics 528, 110525 (2020)
Journal Article
Jha, A.; Duan, H.-G.; Tiwari, V.; Thorwart, M.; Miller, R. J. D.: Origin of poor doping efficiency in solution processed organic semiconductors. Chemical Science 9 (19), pp. 4468 - 4476 (2018)
Journal Article
Jha, A.; Duan, H.-G.; Tiwari, V.; Nayak, P. K.; Snaith, H. J.; Thorwart, M.; Miller, R. J. D.: Direct Observation of Ultrafast Exciton Dissociation in Lead Iodide Perovskite by 2D Electronic Spectroscopy. ACS Photonics 5 (3), pp. 852 - 860 (2018)

Conference Paper (1)

Conference Paper
Tiwari, V.; Duan, H.-G.; Jha, A.; Nayak, P. K.; Thorwart, M.; Snaith, H. J.; Miller, R. J. D.: Evidence and implications for exciton dissociation in lead halide perovskites. XXI International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena 2018 (UP 2018), Hamburg, Germany, July 15, 2018 - July 20, 2018. EPJ Web of Conferences 205, 06018, (2019)

Thesis - PhD (1)

Thesis - PhD
Tiwari, V.: Unravelling the photophysics of charge generation and transport processes by ultrafast spectroscopic methods. Dissertation, 218 pp., Universität Hamburg, Hamburg (2021)
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