Publications since 2010

Publications of E.-C. Schulz

Journal Article (16)

Journal Article
Bosman, R.; Prester, A.; Sung, S.; von Soosten, L.; Dibenedetto, S.; Bartels, K.; von Stetten, D.; Mehrabi, P.; Blatter, M.; Lu, G. et al.; Suer, B.; Wilmanns, M.; Osbild, M.; Schulz, E.-C.: A systematic comparison of Kapton-based HARE chips for fixed-target serial crystallography. Cell Reports Physical Science 5 (6), 101987 (2024)
Journal Article
Berkes, A.; Kleine-Doepke, S.; Leimkohl, J.-P.; Schikora, H.; Mehrabi, P.; Tellkamp, F.; Schulz, E.-C.: An electropneumatic cleaning device for piezo-actuator-driven picolitre-droplet dispensers. Journal of Applied Crystallography 57 (1), pp. 209 - 214 (2024)
Journal Article
Mehrabi, P.; Sung, S.; von Stetten, D.; Prester, A.; Hatton, C. E.; Kleine-Döpke, S.; Berkes, A.; Gore, G.; Leimkohl, J.-P.; Schikora, H. et al.; Kollewe, M.; Rohde, H.; Wilmanns, M.; Tellkamp, F.; Schulz, E.-C.: Millisecond cryo-trapping by the spitrobot crystal plunger simplifies time-resolved crystallography. Nature Communications 14 (1), 2365 (2023)
Journal Article
Bultema, L.; Bücker, R.; Schulz, E.-C.; Tellkamp, F.; Gonschior, J.; Miller, R. J. D.; Kassier, G.: The effect of secondary electrons on radiolysis as observed by in liquid TEM: The role of window material and electrical bias. Ultramicroscopy 240, 113579 (2022)
Journal Article
Norton-Baker, B.; Mehrabi, P.; Boger, J.; Schönherr, R.; von Stetten, D.; Schikora, H.; Kwok, A. O.; Martin, R. W.; Miller, R. J. D.; Redecke, L. et al.; Schulz, E.-C.: A simple vapor-diffusion method enables protein crystallization inside the HARE serial crystallography chip. Acta Crystallographica Section D: Structural Biology 77 (6), D77 (2021)
Journal Article
Günther, S.; Reinke, P. Y. A.; Fernández-García, Y.; Lieske, J.; Lane, T. J.; Ginn, H. M.; Koua, F. H. M.; Ehrt, C.; Ewert, W.; Oberthuer, D. et al.; Yefanov, O.; Meier, S.; Lorenzen, K.; Krichel, B.; Kopicki, J.-D.; Gelisio, L.; Brehm, W.; Dunkel, I.; Seychell, B.; Gieseler, H.; Norton-Baker, B.; Escudero-Pérez, B.; Domaracky, M.; Saouane, S.; Tolstikova, A.; White, T. A.; Hänle, A.; Groessler, M.; Fleckenstein, H.; Trost, F.; Galchenkova, M.; Gevorkov, Y.; Li, C.; Awel, S.; Peck, A.; Barthelmess, M.; Schlünzen, F.; Paulraj, L. X.; Werner, N.; Andaleeb, H.; Ullah, N.; Falke, S.; Srinivasan, V.; Franca, B. A.; Schwinzer, M.; Brognaro, H.; Rogers, C.; Melo, D.; Zaitsev-Doyle, J. J.; Knoska, J.; Murillo, G. E. P.; Mashhour, A. R.; Guicking, F.; Hennicke, V.; Fischer, P.; Hakanpää, J.; Meyer, J.; Gribbon, P.; Ellinger, B.; Kuzikov, M.; Wolf, M.; Beccari, A. R.; Bourenkov, G.; von Stetten, D.; Pompidor, G.; Bento, I.; Panneerselvam, S.; Karpics, I.; Schneider, T. R.; Alai, M. M. G.; Niebling, S.; Günther, C.; Schmidt, C.; Schubert, R.; Han, H.; Boger, J.; Monteiro, D. C. F.; Zhang, L.; Sun, X.; Pletzer-Zelgert, J.; Wollenhaupt, J.; Feiler, C. G.; Weiss, M. S.; Schulz, E.-C.; Mehrabi, P.; Karničar, K.; Usenik, A.; Loboda, J.; Tidow, H.; Chari, A.; Hilgenfeld, R.; Uetrecht, C.; Cox, R.; Zaliani, A.; Beck, T.; Rarey, M.; Günther, S.; Turk, D.; Hinrichs, W.; Chapman, H. N.; Pearson, A. ..; Betzel, C.; Meents, A.: X-ray screening identifies active site and allosteric inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 main protease. Science 372 (6542), pp. 642 - 646 (2021)
Journal Article
Mehrabi, P.; Bücker, R.; Bourenkov, G.; Ginn, H.; von Stetten, D.; Mueller-Werkmeister, H. M.; Kuo, A.; Morizumi, T.; Eger, B.; Ou, W.-L. et al.; Oghbaey, S.; Sarracini, A.; Besaw, J.; Paré-Labrosse, O.; Meier, S.; Schikora, H.; Tellkamp, F.; Marx, A.; Sherrell, D. A.; Axford, D.; Owen, R. L.; Ernst, O. P.; Pai, E. F.; Schulz, E.-C.; Miller, R. J. D.: Serial femtosecond and serial synchrotron crystallography can yield data of equivalent quality: A systematic comparison. Science Advances 7 (12), eabf1380 (2021)
Journal Article
Azim, S.; Bultema, L.; de Kock, M.; Osorio-Blanco, E. R.; Calderón, M.; Gonschior, J.; Leimkohl, J.-P.; Tellkamp, F.; Bücker, R.; Schulz, E.-C. et al.; Keskin, S.; de Jonge, N.; Kassier, G.; Miller, R. J. D.: Environmental Liquid Cell Technique for Improved Electron Microscopic Imaging of Soft Matter in Solution. Microscopy and Microanalysis 27 (1), pp. 44 - 53 (2021)
Journal Article
Schulz, E.-C.; Henderson, S. R.; Illarionov, B.; Crosskey, T.; Southall, S. M.; Krichel, B.; Uetrecht, C.; Fischer, M.; Wilmanns, M.: The crystal structure of mycobacterial epoxide hydrolase A. Scientific Reports 10 (1), 16539 (2020)
Journal Article
Mehrabi, P.; Müller-Werkmeister, H.; Leimkohl, J.-P.; Schikora, H.; Ninkovic, J.; Krivokuca, S.; Andriček, L.; Epp, S. W.; Sherrell, D.; Owen, R. L. et al.; Pearson, A. R.; Tellkamp, F.; Schulz, E.-C.; Miller, R. J. D.: The HARE chip for efficient time-resolved serial synchrotron crystallography. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation; Wiley-Blackwell on behalf of the IUCr 27 (2), pp. 360 - 370 (2020)
Journal Article
Bücker, R.; Hogan-Lamarre, P.; Mehrabi, P.; Schulz, E.-C.; Bultema, L.; Gevorkov, Y.; Brehm, W.; Yefanov, O.; Oberthür, D.; Kassier, G. et al.; Miller, R. J. D.: Serial protein crystallography in an electron microscope. Nature Communications 11 (1), 996 (2020)
Journal Article
Mehrabi, P.; Schulz, E.-C.; Agthe, M.; Horrell, S.; Bourenkov, G.; von Stetten, D.; Leimkohl, J.-P.; Schikora, H.; Schneider, T. R.; Pearson, A. R. et al.; Tellkamp, F.; Miller, R. J. D.: Liquid application method for time-resolved analyses by serial synchrotron crystallography. Nature methods 16 (10), pp. 979 - 982 (2019)
Journal Article
Mehrabi, P.; Schulz, E.-C.; Dsouza, R.; Müller-Werkmeister, H.; Tellkamp, F.; Miller, R. J. D.; Pai, E. F.: Time-resolved crystallography reveals allosteric communication aligned with molecular breathing. Science 365 (6458), pp. 1167 - 1170 (2019)
Journal Article
Schulz, E.-C.; Mehrabi, P.; Müller-Werkmeister, H.; Tellkamp, F.; Jha, A.; Stuart, W.; Persch, E.; De Gasparo, R.; Diederich, F.; Pai, E. F. et al.; Miller, R. J. D.: The hit-and-return system enables efficient time-resolved serial synchrotron crystallography. Nature methods 15 (11), pp. 901 - 904 (2018)
Journal Article
Schulz, E.-C.; Kaub, J.; Busse, F.; Mehrabi, P.; Müller-Werkmeister, H.; Pai, E. F.; Robertson, W.; Miller, R. J. D.: Protein crystals IR laser ablated from aqueous solution at high speed retain their diffractive properties: applications in high-speed serial crystallography. Journal of Applied Crystallography 50, pp. 1773 - 1781 (2017)
Journal Article
Owen, R. L.; Axford, D.; Sherrell, D. A.; Kuo, A.; Ernst, O. P.; Schulz, E.-C.; Miller, R. J. D.; Müller-Werkmeister, H.: Low-dose fixed-target serial synchrotron crystallography. Acta Crystallographica Section D: Structural Biology 73, pp. 373 - 378 (2017)

Book Chapter (1)

Book Chapter
Mehrabi, P.; Schulz, E.-C.: Sample Preparation for Time-Resolved Serial Crystallography: Practical Considerations. In: Advanced Methods in Structural Biology, pp. 361 - 379 (Eds. Sousa, A.; Passarinha, L.). Springer Science+Business Media, Berlin/Heidelberg (2023)

Conference Paper (2)

Conference Paper
Mehrabi, P.; Schulz, E.-C.; Müller-Werkmeister, H. M.; Persch, E.; Gasparo, R. D.; Diederich, F.; Tellkamp, F.; Pai, E.; Miller, R. J. D.: Time-resolved crystallography via an interlacing approach allows elucidation of milliseconds to seconds time delays. 31st European Crystallographic Meeting, Oviedo, Spain, August 22, 2018 - August 27, 2018. Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations and Advances 74, MS38-O4, p. e138 - e138 (2018)
Conference Paper
Müller-Werkmeister, H.; Schulz, E.-C.; Sherrell, D.; Axford, D.; Tellkamp, F.; Owen, R. L.; Miller, R. J. D.: Serial Synchrotron Cryallography with a Fixed Target. 58th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical-Society, San Francisco, CA, February 15, 2014 - February 19, 2014. Biophysical Journal 112, 3 Ed., p. 579A - 579A (2017)

Preprint (3)

Schulz, E.-C.; Prester, A.; von Stetten, D.; Gore, G.; Hatton, C. E.; Bartels, K.; Leimkohl, J.-P.; Schikora, H.; Ginn, H. M.; Tellkamp, F. et al.; Mehrabi, P.: Probing the modulation of enzyme kinetics by multi-temperature, time-resolved serial crystallography. (2024)
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