Publikationen von F. Bonafé

Zeitschriftenartikel (10)

Full minimal coupling Maxwell-TDDFT: An ab initio framework for light-matter interaction beyond the dipole approximation
Physical Review B 111 (8), 085114 (2025)
Tunable Tesla-Scale Magnetic Attosecond Pulses through Ring-Current Gating
A. d. l. Heras, F. Bonafé, C. Hernández-García, A. Rubio, O. Neufeld
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 14 (49), 11160–11167 (2023)
Time-resolved plasmon-assisted generation of optical-vortex pulses
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 14748 (2023)
First-Principles Simulations of Tip Enhanced Raman Scattering Reveal Active Role of Substrate on High-Resolution Images
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 14 (30), 6850–6859 (2023)
Inelastic Light Scattering in the Vicinity of a Single-Atom Quantum Point Contact in a Plasmonic Picocavity
S. Liu, F. Bonafé, H. Appel, A. Rubio, M. Wolf, T. Kumagai
ACS Nano 17 (11), 10172–10180 (2023)
Dynamical evolution of the Schottky barrier as a determinant contribution to electron–hole pair stabilization and photocatalysis of plasmon-induced hot carriers
M. Berdakin, G. Soldano, F. Bonafé, V. Liubov, B. Aradi, T. Frauenheimde, C. G. Sánchez
Nanoscale 14 (7), 2816–2825 (2022)
Fano Resonance and Incoherent Interlayer Excitons in Molecular van der Waals Heterostructures
C. R. Lien-Medrano, F. Bonafé, C. Y. Yam, C.-A. Palma, C. G. Sánchez, T. Frauenheim
Nano Letters 22 (3), 911–917 (2022)
Quantitative sampling of atomic-scale electromagnetic waveforms
D. Peller, C. Roelcke, L. Z. Kastner, T. Buchner, A. Neef, J. Hayes, F. Bonafé, D. Sidler, M. Ruggenthaler, A. Rubio, R. Huber, J. Repp
Nature Photonics 15 (2), 143–147 (2021)
A Real-Time Time-Dependent Density Functional Tight-Binding Implementation for Semiclassical Excited State Electron–Nuclear Dynamics and Pump–Probe Spectroscopy Simulations
F. Bonafé, B. Aradi, B. Hourahine, C. R. Medrano, F. J. Hernández, T. Frauenheim, C. G. Sánchez
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 16 (7), 4454–4469 (2020)
DFTB+, a software package for efficient approximate density functional theory based atomistic simulations
B. Hourahine, B. Aradi, V. Blum, F. Bonafé, A. Buccheri, C. Camacho, C. Cevallos, M. Y. Deshaye, T. Dumitrică, A. Dominguez, S. Ehlert, M. Elstner, T. van der Heide, J. Hermann, S. Irle, J. J. Kranz, C. Köhler, T. Kowalczyk, T. Kubař, I. S. Lee, V. Lutsker, R. J. Maurer, S. K. Min, I. Mitchell, C. Negre, T. A. Niehaus, A. M. N. Niklasson, A. J. Page, A. Pecchia, G. Penazzi, M. P. Persson, J. Řezáč, C. G. Sánchez, M. Sternberg, M. Stöhr, F. Stuckenberg, A. Tkatchenko, V. W.-z. Yu, T. Frauenheim
The Journal of Chemical Physics 152 (12), 124101 (2020)

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