Publikationen von S. Sato

Zeitschriftenartikel (64)

Initial electron thermalization in metals measured by attosecond transient absorption spectroscopy
B. R. de Roulet, L. Drescher, S. Sato, S. R. Leone
Physical Review B 110 (17), 174301 (2024)
Hot electron effect in high-order harmonic generation from graphene driven by elliptically polarized light
K. Nakagawa, W. Mao, S. Sato, H. Ago, A. Rubio, Y. Kanemitsu, H. Hirori
APL Photonics 9 (7), 076107 (2024)
Nonlinear Current Injection in Hexagonal Boron Nitride using Linearly Polarized Light in a Deeply Off-Resonant Regime
Advanced Optical Materials 12 (22), 2400651 (2024)
Limitations of mean-field approximations in describing shift-current and injection-current in materials
Physical Review B 109 (19), 195205 (2024)
High-Order Harmonic Generation in Solids: The Role of Intraband Transitions in Extreme Nonlinear Optics
H. Hirori, S. Sato, Y. Kanemitsu
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 15 (8), 2184–2192 (2024)
Revealing ultrafast phonon mediated inter-valley scattering through transient absorption and high harmonic spectroscopies
Physical Review Research 6 (1), 013069 (2024)
Enhancement of high-order harmonic generation in graphene by mid-infrared and terahertz fields
Physical Review B 109 (4), 045421 (2024)
Enhancing high harmonic generation in GaAs by elliptically polarized light excitation
F. Sekiguchi, M. Sakamoto, K. Nakagawa, H. Tahara, S. Sato, H. Hirori, Y. Kanemitsu
Physical Review B 108 (20), 205201 (2023)
Frequency-resolved Microscopic Current Density Analysis of Linear and Nonlinear Optical Phenomena in Solids
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 92 (9), 094401 (2023)
Optimizing Floquet engineering for non-equilibrium steady states with gradient-based methods
A. Castro, S. Sato
SciPost Physics 15 (1), 029 (2023)
Gapless detection of broadband terahertz pulses using a metal surface in air based on field-induced second-harmonic generation
S. Tanaka, Y. Murotani, S. Sato, T. Fujimoto, T. Matsuda, N. Kanda, R. Matsunaga, J. Yoshinobu
Applied Physics Letters 122 (25), 251101 (2023)
Floquet-Bloch resonances in near-petahertz electroabsorption spectroscopy of SiO2
M. Volkov, S. Sato, A. Niedermayr, A. Rubio, L. Gallmann, U. Keller
Physical Review B 107 (18), 184304 (2023)
Floquet band engineering in action
Science Bulletin 68 (8), 751–752 (2023)
Floquet engineering with quantum optimal control theory
New Journal of Physics 25 (4), 043023 (2023)
Ultrafast electron localization and screening in a transition metal dichalcogenide
Z. Schumacher, S. Sato, S. Neb, A. Niedermayr, L. Gallmann, A. Rubio, U. Keller
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 120 (15), e2221725120 (2023)
Second harmonic Hall responses of insulators as a probe of Berry curvature dipole
M. S. Okyay, S. Sato, K. W. Kim, B. Yan, H. Jin, N. Park
Communications Physics 5 (1), 303 (2022)
Controlling Floquet states on ultrashort time scales
M. Lucchini, F. Medeghini, Y. Wu, F. Vismarra, R. Borrego-Varillas, A. Crego, F. Frassetto, L. Poletto, S. Sato, H. Hübener, U. de Giovannini, A. Rubio, M. Nisoli
Nature Communications 13 (1), 7103 (2022)
Simulating Terahertz Field-Induced Ferroelectricity in Quantum Paraelectric SrTiO3
Physical Review Letters 129 (16), 167401 (2022)
Floquet engineering the band structure of materials with optimal control theory
Physical Review Research 4 (3), 033213 (2022)
Charge transfer in ultrafast isomerization of acetylene ions
W.-D. Yu, H. Liang, C.-Z. Gao, S. Sato, B.-R. Wei, A. Castro, A. Rubio, L.-Y. Peng
Physical Review A 106 (3), 033111 (2022)

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