Publikationen von S. Latini

Zeitschriftenartikel (23)

Cavity-enhanced superconductivity in MgB2 from first-principles quantum electrodynamics (QEDFT)
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 121 (50), e2415061121 (2024)
Quantum materials engineering by structured cavity vacuum fluctuations
Materials for Quantum Technology 4 (2), 023002 (2024)
Terahertz parametric amplification as a reporter of exciton condensate dynamics
S. R. U. Haque, M. H. Michael, J. Zhu, Y. Zhang, L. Windgätter, S. Latini, J. P. Wakefield, G.-F. Zhang, J. Zhang, A. Rubio, J. G. Checkelsky, E. Demler, R. D. Averitt
Nature Materials 23 (6), 796–802 (2024)
Electron-photon exchange-correlation approximation for quantum-electrodynamical density-functional theory
Physical Review A 109 (5), 052823 (2024)
Photonic time-crystalline behaviour mediated by phonon squeezing in Ta2NiSe5
M. Michael, S. R. U. Haque, L. Windgätter, S. Latini, Y. Zhang, A. Rubio, R. D. Averitt, E. Demler
Nature Communications 15 (1), 3638 (2024)
The spontaneous symmetry breaking in Ta2NiSe5 is structural in nature
E. Baldini, A. Zong, D. Choi, C. Lee, M. H. Michael, L. Windgätter, I. I. Mazin, S. Latini, D. Azoury, B. Lv, A. Kogar, Y. Su, Y. Wang, Y. Lu, T. Takayama, H. Takagi, A. J. Millis, A. Rubio, E. Demler, N. Gedik
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 120 (17), e2221688120 (2023)
Time-based Chern number in periodically driven systems in the adiabatic limit
Physical Review Research 5 (1), 013081 (2023)
Simulating Terahertz Field-Induced Ferroelectricity in Quantum Paraelectric SrTiO3
Physical Review Letters 129 (16), 167401 (2022)
Unconventional excitonic states with phonon sidebands in layered silicon diphosphide
L. Zhou, J. Huang, L. Windgätter, C. S. Ong, X. Zhao, C. Zhang, M. Tang, Z. Li, C. Qiu, S. Latini, Y. Lu, D. Wu, H. Gou, A. T. S. Wee, H. Hosono, S. G. Louie, P. Tang, A. Rubio, H. Yuan
Nature Materials 21 (7), 773–778 (2022)
Ultrafast dynamics of adenine following XUV ionization
E. P. Månsson, S. Latini, F. Covito, V. Wanie, M. Galli, E. Perfetto, G. Stefanucci, U. de Giovannini, M. C. Castrovilli, A. Trabattoni, F. Frassetto, L. Poletto, J. B. Greenwood, F. Légaré, M. Nisoli, A. Rubio, F. Calegari
Journal of Physics: Photonics 4 (3), 034003 (2022)
Common microscopic origin of the phase transitions in Ta2NiS5 and the excitonic insulator candidate Ta2NiSe5
L. Windgätter, M. Rösner, G. Mazza, H. Hübener, A. Georges, A. J. Millis, S. Latini, A. Rubio
npj Computational Materials 7 (1), 210 (2021)
The ferroelectric photo ground state of SrTiO3: Cavity materials engineering
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 118 (31), e2105618118 (2021)
Quantum paraelectric phase of SrTiO3 from first principles
Physical Review B 104 (6), L060103 (2021)
Phonoritons as Hybridized Exciton-Photon-Phonon Excitations in a Monolayer h-BN Optical Cavity
Physical Review Letters 126 (22), 227401 (2021)
Real-time observation of a correlation-driven sub 3 fs charge migration in ionised adenine
E. P. Mansson, S. Latini, F. Covito, V. Wanie, M. Galli, E. Perfetto, G. Stefanucci, H. Hübener, U. de Giovannini, M. C. Castrovilli, A. Trabattoni, F. Frassetto, L. Poletto, J. B. Greenwood, F. Legare, M. Nisoli, A. Rubio, F. Calegari
Communications Chemistry 4, 73 (2021)
Vibrational coherent control of localized d–d electronic excitation
A. Marciniak, S. Marcantoni, F. Giusti, F. Glerean, G. Sparapassi, T. F. Nova, A. Cartella, S. Latini, F. Valiera, A. Rubio, J. van den Brink, F. Benatti, D. Fausti
Nature Physics 17 (3), 368–373 (2021)
Programmable hyperbolic polaritons in van der Waals semiconductors
A. J. Sternbach, S. H. Chae, S. Latini, A. A. Rikhter, Y. Shao, B. Li, D. Rhodes, B. Kim, P. J. Schuck, X. Xu, X.-Y. Zhu, R. D. Averitt, J. Hone, M. M. Fogler, A. Rubio, D. N. Basov
Science 371 (6529), 617–620 (2021)
Femtosecond exciton dynamics in WSe2 optical waveguides
A. J. Sternbach, S. Latini, S. Chae, H. Hübener, U. de Giovannini, Y. Shao, L. Xiong, Z. Sun, N. Shi, P. Kissin, G.-X. Ni, D. Rhodes, B. Kim, N. Yu, A. J. Millis, M. M. Fogler, P. J. Schuck, M. Lipson, X.-Y. Zhu, J. Hone, R. D. Averitt, A. Rubio, D. N. Basov
Nature Communications 11 (1), 3567 (2020)
Room Temperature Terahertz Electroabsorption Modulation by Excitons in Monolayer Transition Metal Dichalcogenides
J. Shi, E. Baldini, S. Latini, S. Sato, Y. Zhang, B. C. Pein, P.-C. Shen, J. Kong, A. Rubio, N. Gedik, K. A. Nelson
Nano Letters 20 (7), 5214–5220 (2020)
Contrasting Efficiency of Electron-Induced Reaction at Cu(110) in Aliphatic and Aromatic Bromides
M. J. Timm, L. Leung, K. Anggara, T. Lim, Z. Hu, S. Latini, A. Rubio, J. C. Polanyi
Journal of the American Chemical Society 142 (20), 9453–9459 (2020)
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