
Publikationen von Matthias C. Hoffmann

Zeitschriftenartikel (11)

W. Hu, S. Kaiser, D. Nicoletti, C. R. Hunt, I. Gierz, M. C. Hoffmann, M. Le Tacon, T. Loew, B. Keimer, und A. Cavalleri, Optically enhanced coherent transport in YBa2Cu3O6.5 by ultrafast redistribution of interlayer coupling, Nature Materials 13 (7), 705–711 (2014).
A. Dienst, E. Casandruc, D. Fausti, L. Zhang, M. Eckstein, M. C. Hoffmann, V. Khanna, N. Dean, M. Gensch, S. Winnerl, W. Seidel, S. Pyon, T. Takayama, H. Takagi , und A. Cavalleri, Optical excitation of Josephson plasma solitons in a cuprate superconductor, Nature Materials 12 (6), 535–541 (2013).
A. D. Caviglia, R. Scherwitzl, P. Popovich, W. Hu, H. Bromberger, R. Singla, M. Mitrano, M. C. Hoffmann, S. Kaiser, P. Zubko, S. Gariglio, J.-M. Triscone, M. Först, und A. Cavalleri, Ultrafast Strain Engineering in Complex Oxide Heterostructures, Physical Review Letters 108 (13), 136801 (2012).
M. C. Hoffmann, S. Schulz, S. Wesch, S. Wunderlich, A. Cavalleri, und B. Schmidt, Coherent single-cycle pulses with MV/cm field strengths from a relativistic transition radiation light source, Optics Letters 36 (23), 4473–4475 (2011).
A. Dienst, M. C. Hoffmann, D. Fausti, J. C. Petersen, S. Pyon, T. Takayama, H. Takagi, und A. Cavalleri, Bi-directional ultrafast electric-field gating of interlayer charge transport in a cuprate superconductor, Nature Photonics 5 (8), 485–488 (2011).
M. C. Hoffmann und J. A. Fülöp, Intense ultrashort terahertz pulses: generation and applications, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 44 (8), 083001 (2011).
D. Fausti, R. I. Tobey, N. Dean, S. Kaiser, A. Dienst, M. C. Hoffmann, S. Pyon, T. Takayama, H. Takagi, und A. Cavalleri, Light-Induced Superconductivity in a Stripe-Ordered Cuprate, Science 331 (6014), 189–191 (2011).
M. C. Hoffmann, B. S. Monozon, D. Livshits, E. U. Rafailov, und D. Turchinovich,b, Terahertz electro-absorption effect enabling femtosecond all-optical switching in semiconductor quantum dots, Applied Physics Letters 97 (23), 231108 (2010).
M. C. Hoffmann und D. Turchinovich, Semiconductor saturable absorbers for ultrafast terahertz signals, Applied Physics Letters 96 (15), 151110 (2010).
J. Hebling, M. C. Hoffmann, H. Y. Hwang, K.-L. Yeh, und K. A. Nelson, Observation of nonequilibrium carrier distribution in Ge, Si, and GaAs by terahertz pump–terahertz probe measurements, Physical Review B 81 (3), 035201 (2010).
M. C. Hoffmann, N. C. Brandt, H. Y. Hwang, K.-L. Yeh, und K. A. Nelson, Terahertz Kerr effect, Applied Physics Letters 95 (23), 231105 (2009).

Buchkapitel (1)

M. Först, M. C. Hoffmann, A. Dienst, S. Kaiser, M. Rini, R. I. Tobey, M. Gensch, C. Manzoni, und A. Cavalleri, THz Control in Correlated Electron Solids: Sources and Applications, 171, K.-E. Peiponen, A. Zeitler, und M. Kuwata-Gonokami, Hrsg. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2013, , 611–631 .

Konferenzbeitrag (5)

M. C. Hoffmann, S. Schulz, S. Wesch, S. Wunderlich, und B. Schmidt, MV/cm THz pulses from a coherent transition radiation source, in 36th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), Houston, TX, USA, 2011.
D. Turchinovich und M. C. Hoffmann, Ultrafast THz saturable absorption in doped semiconductors, in 2011 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), Baltimore, MD, USA, 2011, , JThB39 .
D. Turchinovich, B. S. Monozon, D. A. Livshits, E. U. Rafailov, und M. C. Hoffmann, THz electro-absorption effect in quantum dots, in 2011 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), Baltimore, MD, USA, 2011, , QMB3 .
A. Dienst, M. C. Hoffmann, D. Fausti, S. Pyon, T. Takayama, H. Takagi, und A. Cavalleri, Nonlinear Josephson Effect in High-Tc Cuprates, in International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena 2010, Snowmass Village, Colorado, USA, 2010, , ME47 .
C. Manzoni, M. Först, H. P. Ehrke, M. C. Hoffmann, und A. Cavalleri, Single-Shot Detection and Stabilization of Carrier Phase Drifts of Mid-IR Pulses, in International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena 2010, Snowmass Village, Colorado, USA, 2010, , TuE26 .