IMPRS Job Seminar
IMPRS-UFAST skills course
- Start: Oct 12, 2017 06:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
- End: Feb 2, 2018 08:00 PM
- Location: CFEL (Bldg. 99)
- Room: Seminar Room IV, O1.111
- Host: IMPRS-UFAST, Teresa Reinhard, Uliana Mordovina
- Contact:

You are not sure yet what to do after your PhD? You want to know what kind of jobs are out there in the real world? You wonder what makes you interesting for industry? Then this seminar is the right fit for you!In this seminar you have the chance to quiz interesting people from outside of academia. Find your dream job! Or at least know where to look for it.
For registration, please send an email to Uliana Mordovina:
12 October 2017, Thu: Kickoff event - Startup Barbecue
10 November 2017, Fr: PIER event (Siemens)
30 November 2017, Thu: Dr. Thomas Amthor (Philips)
7 December 2017, Thu: Dr. Max Rauner (Die Zeit)
11 January 2018, Thu: Ralf Wolleschensky (Zeiss) (talk will be postponed)
19 January 2018, Fri: Peter Krötz (Trumpf) (new date!)
27 January 2018, Fri: Dr. Nicola Blessing (KT Elektronik) (new date!)
2 february 2018, Fri: Andrey Bokov and SteffenAckermann (Deloitte)
pending date: tba (accenture)