Call for PhD applications 2024/2025 will open on 15th September!

We are offering several interesting interdisciplinary doctoral positions in the fields of ultrafast science and quantum materials.
The detailed list and description of the projects will be published here on 15th September

How to apply to our PhD program

Online application only
Please note that the Applications must be submitted using the online application form. We are unable to consider any applications sent to us via email or mail.

It is highly recommended that you carefully read the "Guidelines for a successful application to the IMPRS UFAST PhD program" before you start to prepare your application! Make sure that you follow all the steps outlined in the guidelines document.

Required documents for your application:
1) Curriculum Vitae (CV)
2) Letter of Motivation and Research Interests
3) Abstract of your Master thesis (in English)
4) Master Degree Certificate and Master Transcript
5) Bachelor Degree Certificate and Bachelor Transcript
6) English Language Test certificate (for students whose first language is not English)

Take some time to familiarise yourself with the different fields of research and the research interests of the individual faculty members. Which areas do you find particularly interesting? Who are the potential supervisors in your chosen area(s)?

Call opening: 15th September 2024
Application deadline: 6th November 2024
Submission deadline for the recommendation letters: 12th November 2024
Candidate Workshop: 12th -14th Febuary 2025

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