Important documents and links for IMPRS UFAST fellows
Dear IMPRS fellows,
on these pages you find the most important documents and links you need for your time in the IMPRS UFAST and for your life in Hamburg.
You also find helping instructions for your admission as a doctoral student as well as information you need to finish your PhD.
Detailed information on the Advisory Panel system as one of the most important components for structured, continuous supervision and support of doctoral candidates in the IMPRS UFAST can also be found on the following pages.
As part of the Max Planck Society, the IMPRS UFAST is based on the same guilines and rules of good scientific practice. Please read them carefully!
Find a list of contact persons below:
Your contact person at the IMPRS office
Your contact persons at the "Promotionsbüro Physik"
Your contact person at the "Promotionsbüro Chemie"
If you are in need for support, mediation or consultation concerning problems in the matter of good scientific practice, you'll find neutral and independent help at the IMPRS office and at the Ombuds office of Hamburg University.