Ultrafast Electronics
Scientific Support Unit – Guido Meier
The Scientific Support Unit for Ultrafast Electronics supports ongoing research in the departments and research groups of the Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter with Ultrafast Electronics. Scientists, engineers and technicians of the SSU closely collaborate with the research groups and departments to set up transport experiments as well as time-resolving laser and X-ray based techniques. Next-generation variable temperature time- and frequency domain transport experiments are developed and applied. Timescales down to the picosecond range are realized by transport multi-GHz bandwidth setups to access transient electronic phases of matter. Spectroscopy and microscopy at synchrotrons entails the development of adapted printed circuit boards and specifically tailored high-frequency electronics. The SSU helps the experimental groups to specify requests, define interfaces and requirements like synchronization, input and output signal parameters, phase relations etc. to find unique experimental solutions. The SSU follows a concept that balances outsourcing and own developments for the sake of best responsiveness. HF-circuit design and realization including routing, micro- and nanofabrication, circuit board fabrication, bonding and packaging of dedicated HF circuitry is as important as simulation, design and prototyping of HF-electronics.
The goal of the SSU for Ultrafast Electronics is to support experiments to access relevant time scales of physical, molecular and biological systems investigated at the Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter.