Publikationen von A. Rubio

Zeitschriftenartikel (344)

Quantum materials engineering by structured cavity vacuum fluctuations
Materials for Quantum Technology 4 (2), 023002 (2024)
Testing the Renormalization of the von Klitzing Constant by Cavity Vacuum Fields
J. Enkner, L. Graziotto, F. Appugliese, V. Rokaj, J. Wang, M. Ruggenthaler, C. Reichl, W. Wegscheider, A. Rubio, J. Faist
Physical Review X 14 (2), 021038 (2024)
Tracking electron motion within and outside of Floquet bands from attosecond pulse trains in time-resolved ARPES
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 36 (22), 225401 (2024)
Terahertz parametric amplification as a reporter of exciton condensate dynamics
S. R. U. Haque, M. H. Michael, J. Zhu, Y. Zhang, L. Windgätter, S. Latini, J. P. Wakefield, G.-F. Zhang, J. Zhang, A. Rubio, J. G. Checkelsky, E. Demler, R. D. Averitt
Nature Materials 23 (6), 796–802 (2024)
High-harmonic spectroscopy of strongly bound excitons in solids
S. V. B. Jensen, L. B. Madsen, A. Rubio, N. Tancogne-Dejean
Physical Review A 109 (6), 063104 (2024)
Limitations of mean-field approximations in describing shift-current and injection-current in materials
Physical Review B 109 (19), 195205 (2024)
Unraveling a Cavity-Induced Molecular Polarization Mechanism from Collective Vibrational Strong Coupling
D. Sidler, T. Schnappinger, A. Obzhirov, M. Ruggenthaler, M. Kowalewski, A. Rubio
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 15 (19), 5208–5214 (2024)
Electron-photon exchange-correlation approximation for quantum-electrodynamical density-functional theory
Physical Review A 109 (5), 052823 (2024)
Dynamical quasicondensation in the weakly interacting Fermi-Hubbard model
I. Březinová, M. Stimpfle, S. Donsa, A. Rubio
Physical Review B 109 (17), 174308 (2024)
Photonic time-crystalline behaviour mediated by phonon squeezing in Ta2NiSe5
M. Michael, S. R. U. Haque, L. Windgätter, S. Latini, Y. Zhang, A. Rubio, R. D. Averitt, E. Demler
Nature Communications 15 (1), 3638 (2024)
Linear resistivity at van Hove singularities in twisted bilayer WSe2
L. N. Wei, Q. Xu, Y. He, Q. Li, Y. Huang, W. Zhu, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, M. Claassen, D. A. Rhodes, D. M. Kennes, L. D. Xian, A. Rubio, L. Wang
PNAS 121 (16), e2321665121 (2024)
Exchange-only virial relation from the adiabatic connection
A. Laestadius, M. A. Csirik, M. Penz, N. Tancogne-Dejean, M. Ruggenthaler, A. Rubio, T. Helgaker
The Journal of Chemical Physics 160 (8), 084115 (2024)
Doping-dependent charge- and spin-density wave orderings in a monolayer of Pb adatoms on Si(111)
M. Vandelli, A. Galler, A. Rubio, A. I. Lichtenstein, S. Biermann, E. A. Stepanov
npj Quantum Materials 9, 19 (2024)
Ab Initio Calculations of Quantum Light–Matter Interactions in General Electromagnetic Environments
M. K. Svendsen, K. S. Thygesen, A. Rubio, J. Flick
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 20 (2), 926–936 (2024)
Revealing ultrafast phonon mediated inter-valley scattering through transient absorption and high harmonic spectroscopies
Physical Review Research 6 (1), 013069 (2024)
Two-dimensional heavy fermions in the van der Waals metal CeSiI
V. A. Posey, S. Turkel, M. Rezaee, A. Devarakonda, A. K. Kundu, C. S. Ong, M. Thinel, D. G. Chica, R. A. Vitalone, R. Jing, S. Xu, D. R. Needell, E. Meirzadeh, M. L. Feuer, A. Jindal, X. Cui, T. Valla, P. Thunström, T. Yilmaz, E. Vescovo, D. Graf, X. Zhu, A. Scheie, A. F. May, O. Eriksson, D. N. Basov, C. R. Dean, A. Rubio, P. Kim, M. E. Ziebel, A. J. Millis, A. N. Pasupathy, X. Roy
Nature 625 (7995), 483–488 (2024)
Enhancement of high-order harmonic generation in graphene by mid-infrared and terahertz fields
Physical Review B 109 (4), 045421 (2024)
Exchange energies with forces in density-functional theory
N. Tancogne-Dejean, M. Penz, A. Laestadius, M. A. Csirik, M. Ruggenthaler, A. Rubio
The Journal of Chemical Physics 160 (2), 024103 (2024)
Light-Induced Ideal Weyl Semimetal in HgTe via Nonlinear Phononics
Physical Review Letters 132 (1), 016603 (2024)
Mapping Light-Dressed Floquet Bands by Highly Nonlinear Optical Excitations and Valley Polarization
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 14 (50), 11298–11304 (2023)
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