Publikationen von A. Rubio

Preprint (43)

Beyond Electric-Dipole Treatment of Light-Matter Interactions in Materials: Nondipole Harmonic Generation in Bulk Si
Neural network distillation of orbital dependent density functional theory
M. Medvidović, J. C. Umana, I. Ahmadabadi, D. Di Sante, J. Flick, A. Rubio
Bosonic Entanglement and Quantum Sensing from Energy Transfer in two-tone Floquet Systems
Y. Chen, A. Elben, A. Rubio, G. Refael
Spontaneous emergence of phonon angular momentum through hybridization with magnons
H. Ning, T. Luo, B. Ilyas, E. Viñas Boström, J. Park, J. Kim, J.-G. Park, D. M. Juraschek, A. Rubio, N. Gedik
Equilibrium non-linear phononics by electric field fluctuations of terahertz cavities
Terahertz Control of Linear and Nonlinear Magno-Phononics
T. Luo, H. Ning, B. Ilyas, A. von Hoegen, E. Viñas Boström, J. Park, J. Kim, J.-G. Park, D. M. Juraschek, A. Rubio, N. Gedik
Surface-mediated ultra-strong cavity coupling of two-dimensional itinerant electrons
The connection of polaritonic chemistry with the physics of a spin glass
Nonperturbative Nonlinear Transport in a Floquet-Weyl Semimetal
M. Day, K. Kusyak, F. Sturm, J. I. Aranzadi, H. Bretscher, M. Fechner, T. Matsuyama, M. Michael, B. Schulte, X. Li, J. Hagelstein, D. Herrmann, G. Kipp, A. M. Potts, J. M. DeStefano, C. Hu, Y. Huang, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, G. Meier, D. Shin, A. Rubio, J.-H. Chu, D. M. Kennes, M. A. Sentef, J. W. McIver
Thermal spin-crossover and temperature-dependent zero-field splitting in magnetic nanographene chains
Y. Wang, A. P. Paz, E. Viñas Boström, X. Zhang, J. Li, R. Berger, K. Liu, J. Ma, L. Huang, S. Du, H.-j. Gao, K. Müllen, A. Narita, X. Feng, A. Rubio, C. Palma
Relativistic Linear Response in Quantum-Electrodynamical Density Functional Theory
Insulator-to-Metal Transition and Anomalously Slow Hot Carrier Cooling in a Photo-doped Mott Insulator
U. Choudhry, J. Zhang, K. Huang, E. Low, Y. Quan, B. Shaheen, R. Gnabasik, J. Yan, A. Rubio, K. S. Burch, B. Liao
Engineering 2D square lattice Hubbard models in 90∘ twisted Ge/SnX (X=S, Se) moiré supperlattices
On-demand heralded MIR single-photon source using a cascaded quantum system
J. Iles-Smith, M. K. Svendsen, A. Rubio, M. Wubs, N. Stenger
Direct observation of Floquet-Bloch states in monolayer graphene
D. Choi, M. Mogi, U. de Giovannini, D. Azoury, B. Lv, Y. Su, H. Hübener, A. Rubio, N. Gedik
Cavity electrodynamics of van der Waals heterostructures
G. Kipp, H. Bretscher, B. Schulte, D. Herrmann, K. Kusyak, M. Day, S. Kesavan, T. Matsuyama, X. Li, S. M. Langner, J. Hagelstein, F. Sturm, A. M. Potts, C. Eckhardt, Y. Huang, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, A. Rubio, D. M. Kennes, M. A. Sentef, E. Baudin, G. Meier, M. Michael, J. W. McIver
Analytic Model for Molecules Under Collective Vibrational Strong Coupling in Optical Cavities
Theory of Quantum Light-Matter Interaction in Cavities: Extended Systems and the Long Wavelength Approximation
Mapping the Mottness under Magnetic Field
L. Wei, Z.-L. Gu, A. Fischer, Y. He, Q. Xu, A. Ghiotto, C. S. Weber, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, M. Claassen, A. Rubio, A. J. Millis, A. N. Pasupathy, L. D. Xian, D. A. Rhodes, D. M. Kennes, J.-X. Li, L. Wang
Mechanisms for Long-Lived, Photo-Induced Superconductivity
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