Publikationen von R. J. Dwayne Miller

Konferenzbeitrag (37)

P. Krötz, A. Ruehl, G. Chatterjee, A.-L. Calendron, K. Murari, H. Cankaya, F. X. Kärtner, I. Hartl, und R. J. D. Miller, High energetic and highly stable pulses from a Ho:YLF regenerative amplifier, in Proceedings of SPIE, San Francisco, California, USA, 2016, 9726, , 97260S .
H. M. Müller-Werkmeister, A. Kuo, H. M. Ginn, S. Oghbaey, A. Sarracini, O. Pare-Labrosse, D. Sherrell, A. Marx, S. W. Epp, A. R. Pearson, R. L. Owen, D. I. Stuart, O. P. Ernst, und R. J. D. Miller, Capturing Functionally Relevant Protein Motions at the Atomic Level: Femtosecond Time Resolved Serial Crystallography of Ligand Dissociation of Carboxy-Myoglobin, in Biophysical Journal, 2016, 110 (3), , 513a .
A. Choudhuri, A. Ruehl, I. Leon, N. DiPalo, I. Hartl, R. J. D. Miller, und J. Biegert, Multi-Octave Supercontinuum Generation Driven by Few-Cycle Mid-IR Pulses in YAG, ZnSe and Sapphire, in CLEO: QELS_Fundamental Science, 2016.
V. Prokhorenko, A. Picchiotti, und R. J. D. Miller, New Insight into Photophysics of DNA Nucleobases, in International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena, Santa Fe, New Mexico United States, 2016, 2016, , UM3A.4 .
A. Stevens, S. Maneshi, L. Chen, O. P. Ernst, V. Prokhorenko, und R. J. D. Miller, Investigating Quantum Electronic or Vibronic Coherences via Energy Migration Dynamics in Light-Harvesting Complex II, in International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena, Santa Fe, New Mexico United States, 2016, 2016, , UTu4A.6 .
R. Xian, G. Corthey, S. A. Hayes, C. A. Morrison, D. M. Rogers, A. Marx, V. Prokhorenko, C. Lu, und R. J. D. Miller, Towards Atomically-Resolved Structural Changes during a Solid State Geminate Recombination Reaction, in International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena, Santa Fe, New Mexico United States, 2016, 2016, , UTh2B.1 .
G. Sciaini, M. Gao, C. Lu, H. Jean-Ruel, L. C. Liu, A. Marx, K. Onda, S.-ya Koshihara, Y. Nakano, X. Shao, T. Hiramatsu, G. Saito, H. Yamochi, R. R. Cooney, G. Moriena, und R. J. D. Miller, Ultrabright Femtosecond Electron Sources: Ultrafast Structural Dynamics in Labile Organic Crystals, in Microscopy and Microanalysis, Oregon Convention Center, Portland, Oregon, USA, 2015, S3 Aufl. 21, , 1207–12080603 .
R. L. Field, L. C. Liu, C. Lu, Y. Jiang, W. Gawelda, und R. J. D. Miller, Ultrafast Dynamics Related to Spin Crossover Processes in Single Crystal [FeII(bpy)3](PF6)2, in Springer Proceedings in Physics, Okinawa Convention Center, Okinawa, Japan, 2015, 162, , 279–282 .
Y. Jiang, L. C. Liu, H. M. Müller-Werkmeister, M. Gao, C. Lu, D. Zhang, E. Collet, und R. J. D. Miller, Femtosecond Electron Diffraction Study of the Spin Crossover Dynamics of Single Crystal [Fe(PM-AzA)2](NCS)2, in Springer Proceedings in Physics, Okinawa Convention Center, Okinawa, Japan, 2015, 162, , 283–286 .
L. C. Liu, Y. Jiang, C. Lu, M. Gao, M. Ishikawa, H. Yamochi, und R. J. D. Miller, Ab Initio Solution of Structural Dynamics with Ultrafast Electron Diffraction and Charge Flipping, in Springer Proceedings in Physics, Okinawa Convention Center, Okinawa, Japan, 2015, 162, , 287–290 .
V. Prokhorenko, A. Picchiotti, S. Maneshi, und R. J. D. Miller, Broadband electronic two-dimensional spectroscopy in the deep UV, in Springer Proceedings in Physics, Okinawa Convention Center, Okinawa, Japan, 2015, 162, , 432–435 .
V. Prokhorenko, A. Picchiotti, S. Maneshi, und R. J. D. Miller, Measurement and characterization of sub-5 fs broadband UV pulses in the 230-350 nm range, in Springer Proceedings in Physics, Okinawa Convention Center, Okinawa, Japan, 2015, 162, , 744–748 .
R. Xian, V. Prokhorenko, R. L. Field, und R. J. D. Miller, Coherent Control of the Photodissociation of Triiodide in Solution Reveals New Pathways, in Springer Proceedings in Physics, Okinawa Convention Center, Okinawa, Japan, 2015, 162, , 382–385 .
S. Carbajo, E. A. Nanni, L. J. Wong, R. J. D. Miller, und F. X. Kärtner, Relativistic Few-cycle Cylindrical Vector Beams for Novel Table-top Particle Accelerators, in CLEO: Science and Innovations 2015, San Jose, California, United States, 2015, , STu2L.1 .
P. Krötz, A. Ruehl, G. Chatterjee, P. Li, K. Murari, H. Cankaya, A.-L. Calendron, F. Kärtner, I. Hartl, und R. J. D. Miller, Ho:YLF Regenerative Amplifier with 6.9 mJ at 1 kHz Overcoming Bifurcation Instability, in Advanced Solid State Lasers, Berlin, Germany, 2015, , ATh3A.4 .
P. Krötz, A. Ruehl, G. Chatterjee, K. Murari, H. Cankaya, A.-L. Calendron, F. X. Kärtner, I. Hartl, und R. J. D. Miller, Highly stable and high pulse energy, double-z-cavity shaped Ho:YLF Regenerative Amplifier, in 2015 European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics - European Quantum Electronics Conference, Munich, Germany, 2015, , CA_4_2 .
P. Krötz, A. Ruehl, K. Murari, H. Cankaya, A.-L. Calendron, F. Kaertner, I. Hartl, und R. J. D. Miller, High Energy and Low Noise Ho:YLF Regenerative Amplifiers: A Noise and Stability Analysis, in CLEO: Science and Innovations 2015, San Jose, California, United States, 2015, , SF1F.3 .
R. J. D. Miller, Picosecond Infrared Laser (PIRL) Scalpel: Achieving the Fundamental Limits to Minimally Invasive Surgery and Biodiagnostics, in Advanced Solid State Lasers, Berlin, Germany, 2015, , AF2A.1 .
H. Zia, A. Choudhuri, I. Hartl, R. J. D. Miller, und A. Ruehl, Full (3+1)D Split-Step Technique for Spatial Mode Analysis of White Light Generation in Bulk Kerr-Media, in CLEO: Applications and Technology 2015, San Jose, California, United States, 2015, , JTu5A.44 .
M. Gao, H. Jean-Ruel, C. Lu, L. C. Liu, A. Marx, R. R. Cooney, Y. Jiang, G. Kassier, G. Moriena, G. Sciaini, und R. J. D. Miller, Ultrabright femtosecond electron sources: perspectives and challenges towards the study of structural dynamics in labile systems, in Proceedings of SPIE, San Diego, California, United States, 2014, 9198, , 91980R .
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