Publikationen von R. J. D. Miller

Zeitschriftenartikel (149)

S. Bittmann, R. Dsouza, K. M. Siddiqui, S. A. Hayes, A. Rossos, G. Corthey, M. Kochman, V. Prokhorenko, R. S. Murphy, H. Schwoerer, und R. J. D. Miller, Ultrafast ring-opening and solvent-dependent product relaxation of photochromic spironaphthopyran, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 21 (33), 18119–18127 (2019).
A. Picchiotti, A. Nenov, A. Giussani, V. Prokhorenko, R. J. D. Miller, S. Mukamel, und M. Garavelli, Pyrene, a Test Case for Deep-Ultraviolet Molecular Photophysics, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 10 (12), 3481–3487 (2019).
K. M. Krawczyk, R. L. Field, L. C. Liu, M. Dong, G. A. Woolley, und R. J. D. Miller, Illuminating the photoisomerization of a modified azobenzene single crystal by femtosecond absorption spectroscopy, Canadian Journal of Chemistry 97 (6), 488–495 (2019).
L. Y. Wu, F. Tellkamp, M. Khajehpour, W. Robertson, und R. J. D. Miller, Rapid mixing of colliding picoliter liquid droplets delivered through-space from piezoelectric-actuated pipettes characterized by time-resolved fluorescence monitoring, Review of Scientific Instruments 90 (5), 055109 (2019).
C. P. K. Manchee, J. Möller, und R. J. D. Miller, Highly stable, 100 W average power from fiber-based ultrafast laser system at 1030 nm based on single-pass photonic-crystal rod amplifier, Optics Communications 437, 6–10 (2019).
J. Mehlan, S. Maier, N.-O. Hansen, T. Gosau, D. Eggert, M. Spitzer, H. Petersen, S. J. Linke, und R. J. D. Miller, Pikosekundenlaser-Faser-assistierte Sklerostomie (PIRL-FAST): Ein erster Machbarkeitsnachweis, Ophthalmologe 116 (4), 346–350 (2019).
H.-G. Duan, P. Nalbach, R. J. D. Miller, und M. Thorwart, Ultrafast Energy Transfer in Excitonically Coupled Molecules Induced by a Nonlocal Peierls Phonon, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 10 (6), 1206–1211 (2019).
I. V. Kochikov, R. J. D. Miller, und A. A. Ischenko, Relativistic Modeling of Ultra-Short Electron Pulse Propagation, Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics - JETP 128 (3), 333–340 (2019).
A. Krutilin, S. Maier, R. Schuster, S. Kruber, M. Kwiatkowski, W. Robertson, N.-O. Hansen, R. J. D. Miller, und H. Schlüter, Sampling of Tissues with Laser Ablation for Proteomics: Comparison of Picosecond Infrared Laser and Microsecond Infrared Laser, Journal of Proteome Research 18 (3), 1451–1457 (2019).
J. L. Wierman, O. Paré-Labrosse, A. Sarracini, J. E. Besaw, M. J. Cook, S. Oghbaey, H. Daoud, P. Mehrabi, I. Kriksunov, A. Kuo, D. J. Schuller, S. Smith, O. P. Ernst, D. M. E. Szebenyi, S. M. Gruner, R. J. D. Miller, und A. D. Finkea, Fixed-target serial oscillation crystallography at room temperature, IUCrJ 6, 305–316 (2019).
A. A. Ischenko, I. V. Kochikov, und R. J. D. Miller, The effect of Coulomb repulsion on the space-time resolution limits for ultrafast electron diffraction, The Journal of Chemical Physics 150 (5), 054201 (2019).
R. Dsouza, X. Cheng, Z. Li, R. J. D. Miller, und M. A. Kochman, The Oscillatory Photoelectron Signal of N-Methylmorpholine as a Test Case for the Algebraic-Diagrammatic Construction Method of Second Order, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 122 (50), 9688–9700 (2018).
H. Daoud, L. Joubert-Doriol, A. F. Izmaylov, und R. J. D. Miller, Exploring vibrational ladder climbing in vibronic coupling models: Toward experimental observation of a geometric phase signature of a conical intersection, Chemical Physics 515, 28–35 (2018).
H.-G. Duan, D. Qi, Z.-R. Sun, R. J. D. Miller, und M. Thorwart, Signature of the geometric phase in the wave packet dynamics on hypersurfaces, Chemical Physics 515, 21–27 (2018).
E.-C. Schulz, P. Mehrabi, H. Müller-Werkmeister, F. Tellkamp, A. Jha, W. Stuart, E. Persch, R. De Gasparo, F. Diederich, E. F. Pai, und R. J. D. Miller, The hit-and-return system enables efficient time-resolved serial synchrotron crystallography, Nature methods 15 (11), 901–904 (2018).
W. Robertson, H. Schlüter, R. J. D. Miller, und Q. C. Ji, New frontiers in drug development utilizing desorption by impulsive vibrational excitation for sample preparation, tissue imaging and beyond, Bioanalysis 10 (20), 1625–1630 (2018).
C. Lee, G. Kassier, und R. J. D. Miller, Optical fiber-driven low energy electron gun for ultrafast streak diffraction, Applied Physics Letters 113 (13), 133502 (2018).
F. Busse, S. Kruber, W. Robertson, und R. J. D. Miller, Digital interference microscopy and density reconstruction of picosecond infrared laser desorption at the water-air interface, Journal of Applied Physics 124 (9), 094701 (2018).
S. Cheng, G. Chatterjee, F. Tellkamp, A. Ruehl, und R. J. D. Miller, Multi-octave supercontinuum generation in YAG pumped by mid-infrared, multi-picosecond pulses, Optics Letters 43 (18), 4329–4332 (2018).
G. Singh, R. Bücker, G. Kassier, M. Barthelmess, F. Zheng, V. Migunov, M. Kruth, R. E. Dunin-Borkowski, S. T. Purcell, und R. J. D. Miller, Fabrication and characterization of a focused ion beam milled lanthanum hexaboride based cold field electron emitter source, Applied Physics Letters 113 (9), 093101 (2018).
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