MPSD Publications

Publications of D. M. Kennes

Journal Article (95)

Journal Article
Phonon-mediated unconventional superconductivity in rhombohedral stacked multilayer graphene
E. Viñas Boström, A. Fischer, J. B. Hauck, J. Zhang, D. M. Kennes, A. Rubio
Npj Computational Materials 10 (1), 163 (2024)
Journal Article
Collective Charge Excitations between Moiré Minibands in Twisted WSe2 Bilayers Probed with Resonant Inelastic Light Scattering
N. Saigal, L. Klebl, H. Lambers, S. Bahmanyar, V. Antić, D. M. Kennes, T. O. Wehling, U. Wurstbauer
Physical Review Letters 133 (4), 046902 (2024)
Journal Article
Competition between d-wave superconductivity and magnetism in uniaxially strained Sr2RuO4
J. B. Profe, S. Beck, D. M. Kennes, A. Georges, O. Gingras
Npj Quantum Materials 9 (1), 53 (2024)
Journal Article
Linear resistivity at van Hove singularities in twisted bilayer WSe2
L. N. Wei, Q. Xu, Y. He, Q. Li, Y. Huang, W. Zhu, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, M. Claassen, D. A. Rhodes, D. M. Kennes, L. D. Xian, A. Rubio, L. Wang
PNAS 121 (16), e2321665121 (2024)
Journal Article
Negative electronic compressibility in charge islands in twisted bilayer graphene
R. J. Dolleman, A. Rothstein, A. Fischer, L. Klebl, L. Waldecker, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, D. M. Kennes, F. Libisch, B. Beschoten, C. Stampfer
Physical Review B 109 (15), 155430 (2024)
Journal Article
Band gap formation in commensurate twisted bilayer graphene/hBN moiré lattices
A. Rothstein, C. Schattauer, R. J. Dolleman, S. Trellenkamp, F. Lentz, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, D. M. Kennes, B. Beschoten, C. Stampfer, F. Libisch
Physical Review B 109 (15), 155139 (2024)
Journal Article
Terminable Transitions in a Topological Fermionic Ladder
Y. He, D. M. Kennes, C. Karrasch, R. Rausch
Physical Review Letters 132 (13), 136501 (2024)
Journal Article
Theory of resonantly enhanced photo-induced superconductivity
C. Eckhardt, S. Chattopadhyay, D. M. Kennes, E. A. Demler, M. A. Sentef, M. Michael
Nature Communications 15 (1), 2300 (2024)
Journal Article
Dynamical onset of light-induced unconventional superconductivity—a Yukawa-Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev study
Communications Physics 7, 79 (2024)
Journal Article
divERGe implements various Exact Renormalization Group examples
J. B. Hauck, D. M. Kennes, L. Klebl
SciPost Physics Codebases 26 (2024)
Journal Article
Spin and charge fluctuation induced pairing in ABCB tetralayer graphene
A. Fischer, L. Klebl, J. B. Hauck, A. Rothstein, L. Waldecker, B. Beschoten, T. O. Wehling, D. M. Kennes
Physical Review Research 6 (1), L012003 (2024)
Journal Article
Advanced Characterization of the Spatial Variation of Moiré Heterostructures and Moiré Excitons
A. de la Torre, D. M. Kennes, E. Malic, S. Kar
Small (2024)
Journal Article
Short Versus Long Range Exchange Interactions in Twisted Bilayer Graphene
A. Jimeno-Pozo, Z. A. H. Goodwin, P. A. Pantaleón, V. Vitale, L. Klebl, D. M. Kennes, A. Mostofi, J. Lischner, F. Guinea
Advanced Physics Research 2 (12), 2300048 (2023)
Journal Article
PT-symmetric, non-Hermitian quantum many-body physics—a methodological perspective
Reports on Progress in Physics 86 (12), 124501 (2023)
Journal Article
Edge and corner skin effects of chirally coupled magnons characterized by a topological winding tuple
C. Cai, D. M. Kennes, M. A. Sentef, T. Yu
Physical Review B 108 (17), 174421 (2023)
Journal Article
RKKY interaction in one-dimensional flat-band lattices
K. Laubscher, C. S. Weber, M. Hünenberger, H. Schoeller, D. M. Kennes, D. Loss, J. Klinovaja
Physical Review B 108 (15), 155429 (2023)
Journal Article
Cavity-renormalized quantum criticality in a honeycomb bilayer antiferromagnet
Communications Physics 6 (1), 247 (2023)
Journal Article
Can Neural Quantum States Learn Volume-Law Ground States?
G. Passetti, D. Hofmann, P. Neitemeier, L. Grunwald, M. A. Sentef, D. M. Kennes
Physical Review Letters 131 (3), 036502 (2023)
Journal Article
Cavity Light-Matter Entanglement through Quantum Fluctuations
Physical Review Letters 131 (2), 023601 (2023)
Journal Article
Second-order topology and supersymmetry in two-dimensional topological insulators
C. S. Weber, M. Pletyukhov, Z. Hou, D. M. Kennes, J. Klinovaja, D. Loss, H. Schoeller
Physical Review B 107 (23), 235402 (2023)
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