IMPRS UFAST selection process
How does the selection process work?
To identify the most promising and best fit candidates all applicants have to pass a multi-step selection process.
- In a first step after the application deadline, all applications will be reviewed and shortlisted by an Admission Committee consisting of scientists from all IMPRS partner institutions.
- After being reviewed, the most promising candidates will be invited to participate in a candidate workshop in Hamburg where they present their work by giving a short talk. They will also meet their individual supervisors for an interview. Travel and accomodation costs for the workshop are covered be the IMPRS.
- As a next step, the IMPRS Executive Board will decide on the acceptance into the IMPRS for candidate who have received an offer of supervision. The program officially starts on 1st October, but in agreement with their supervisors accepted students may start their research projects earlier.
- Finally, international students with foreign certificates will have to hand in their documents to the respective "Promotionsbüro" of Hamburg University. The Promotionsbüro will check the documents for compatibility. The IMPRS office may assist the students in this step.