Workshops for PhD students on Bahrenfeld Campus - The job interview - Business theatre with trained actors


  • Beginn: 18.05.2017 09:00
  • Ende: 19.05.2017 17:00
  • Vortragende(r): Interactors
  • Ort: CFEL (Bldg. 99)
  • Raum: Seminar Room IV, O1.111
  • Gastgeber: CUI, CSSB, EMBL, IMPRS-UFAST, PIER, SFB 676
Workshops for PhD students on Bahrenfeld Campus - The job interview - Business theatre with trained actors
A job interview is one of the most drawn-out and intimidating ways of making first impression. However, it’s also your opportunity to get on an employer’s good sight, which can give you a distinct edge over even those applicants whose credentials are better than yours.

It's normal to feel nervous when you have an interview because you want to do your best. If you prepare and practise you can get the better of your nerves and give yourself the best chance of getting the job. In role-play simulations, you have a chance, with the help of a seminar actor to practice in a very real job interview situation. Once you attend an authentic role – play simulation with a professional actor, you feel well prepared for reality due to the practical rehearsing before.

For your successful job interview preparation, Interactors provide professional actors:
▪ trained specifically in roleplay techniques
▪ experienced in organisational settings
▪ trained to deliver proper feedback

Interactors also provide a highly experienced trainer and facilitator for training. We focus on experimental learning, on practical researching, preparation and emphasizing rehearsing. Goals & Impacts:

• Participants experienced the real life situation in a contained environment
• Participants get in touch with their own skills and weaknesses/challenges
• Participants get to practice presentation- and communication skills
• Participants developed a job - interview-prep-checklist

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