Fermionic neural-network quantum states
Max Planck Quantum Matter Seminar
- Datum: 14.10.2021
- Uhrzeit: 15:00 - 16:00
- Vortragender: Giuseppe Carleo
- EPFL Lausanne
- Ort: online via Zoom

I will present recent extensions of neural-network quantum states [1] to interacting many-body systems with fermionic degrees of freedom.
Several approaches will be shown, with applications to electronic structure of molecules [2], nuclear matter [3], as well as preliminary results on the 2d Hubbard model [4].
[1] Carleo and Troyer, Science 355, 602 (2017)
[2] Choo, Mezzacapo, and Carleo, Nat. Comm. 11, 2368 (2020)
[3] Adams, Carleo, Lovato, and Rocco, Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 022502 (2021)
[4] Robledo Moreno, Carleo, Georges, and Stokes, in preparation (2021)
Several approaches will be shown, with applications to electronic structure of molecules [2], nuclear matter [3], as well as preliminary results on the 2d Hubbard model [4].
[1] Carleo and Troyer, Science 355, 602 (2017)
[2] Choo, Mezzacapo, and Carleo, Nat. Comm. 11, 2368 (2020)
[3] Adams, Carleo, Lovato, and Rocco, Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 022502 (2021)
[4] Robledo Moreno, Carleo, Georges, and Stokes, in preparation (2021)