Driven Quantum Systems
This conference will be a focused international meeting bringing together the world leading groups in the area of driven quantum materials to discuss current and future trends.
The event will take place from July 21 to July 25, 2025 at the Harnack House in Berlin.

This meeting will be focused on recent advances in non-equilibrium phenomena in Quantum Materials. This field has enjoyed a striking development over the past decade, and the Max Planck Society has sustained a leadership position. We would like to organize a conference with all the most active groups in the area, to discuss current and future trends.
This conference will be a focused international meeting bringing together the world leading groups in the area of driven quantum materials. Indeed, much work has been done to study the response of materials in which single particles or few particles are excited, leading to a number of applications in electronics and opto-electronics.
On the other hand, research in Condensed Matter physics routinely deals with many-body responses, in which more than one degree of freedom, or excitation of the material (electrons, spins, phonons etc.) interact to determine the functional behavior.
The new field of Driven Quantum Materials is one in which light is used to manipulate many body states, with the electromagnetic field, the light-matter coupling strength and the microscopic interactions of the material are acting on equal footing. Much of this context is discussed in the Perspective „Strongly Correlated Electron Photon Systems“J. Bloch, A. Cavalleri, V. Galitski, M. Hafezi, A. Rubio Nature 606, 41 (2022)
For a list of invited speakers please refer to the sessions listed in the side menu:
- Session 1: Superconductors
- Session 2: Magnetism and Ferroics
- Session 3: Miscellaneous
- Session 4: Topology
- Sessioin 5: QED