Preprint (73)

Core-level signature of long-range density-wave order and short-range excitonic correlations probed by attosecond broadband spectroscopy
A. Zong, S.-C. Lin, S. Sato, E. Berger, B. R. Nebgen, M. Hui, B. Q. Lv, Y. Cheng, W. Xia, Y. Guo, D. Xiang, M. W. Zuerch
Insulator-to-Metal Transition and Anomalously Slow Hot Carrier Cooling in a Photo-doped Mott Insulator
U. Choudhry, J. Zhang, K. Huang, E. Low, Y. Quan, B. Shaheen, R. Gnabasik, J. Yan, A. Rubio, K. S. Burch, B. Liao
Frustrated phonon with charge density wave in vanadium Kagome metal
S.-P. Heo, C. Won, H. Lee, H. Kim, E. Park, S. Y. Lee, J. Hwang, H. Choi, S.-Y. Park, B. Lee, W.-S. Noh, H. Jang, J.-H. Park, D. Shin, C. Song
Engineering 2D square lattice Hubbard models in 90∘ twisted Ge/SnX (X=S, Se) moiré supperlattices
Floquet engineering nearly flat bands through quantum-geometric light-matter coupling with surface polaritons
On-demand heralded MIR single-photon source using a cascaded quantum system
J. Iles-Smith, M. K. Svendsen, A. Rubio, M. Wubs, N. Stenger
Generalized energy gap law: An open system dynamics approach to non-adiabatic phenomena in molecules
N. S. Bassler, M. Reitz, R. Holzinger, A. Vibók, G. J. Halász, B. Gurlek, C. Genes
Direct observation of Floquet-Bloch states in monolayer graphene
D. Choi, M. Mogi, U. de Giovannini, D. Azoury, B. Lv, Y. Su, H. Hübener, A. Rubio, N. Gedik
Observation of Floquet states in graphene
M. Merboldt, M. Schüler, D. Schmitt, J. P. Bange, W. Bennecke, K. Gadge, K. Pierz, H. W. Schumacher, D. Momeni, D. Steil, S. R. Manmana, M. A. Sentef, M. Reutzel, S. Mathias
Cavity electrodynamics of van der Waals heterostructures
G. Kipp, H. Bretscher, B. Schulte, D. Herrmann, K. Kusyak, M. Day, S. Kesavan, T. Matsuyama, X. Li, S. M. Langner, J. Hagelstein, F. Sturm, A. M. Potts, C. Eckhardt, Y. Huang, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, A. Rubio, D. M. Kennes, M. A. Sentef, E. Baudin, G. Meier, M. Michael, J. W. McIver
Analytic Model for Molecules Under Collective Vibrational Strong Coupling in Optical Cavities
Squeezed Josephson plasmons in driven YBa2Cu3O6+x
Theory of Quantum Light-Matter Interaction in Cavities: Extended Systems and the Long Wavelength Approximation
Entanglement transition in deep neural quantum states
G. Passetti, D. M. Kennes
Mapping the Mottness under Magnetic Field
L. Wei, Z.-L. Gu, A. Fischer, Y. He, Q. Xu, A. Ghiotto, C. S. Weber, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, M. Claassen, A. Rubio, A. J. Millis, A. N. Pasupathy, L. D. Xian, D. A. Rhodes, D. M. Kennes, J.-X. Li, L. Wang
An ab initio supercell approach for high-harmonic generation in liquids
Photoinduced sliding transition into a hidden phase in van der Waals materials
J. Li, P. Werner, M. A. Sentef, M. Mueller
A basic electro-topological descriptor for the prediction of organic molecule geometries by simple machine learning
C. M. de Armas-Morejón, A. H. Larsen, L. A. Montero-Cabrera, A. Rubio, J. Jornet-Somoza
Moiré Engineering of Nonsymmorphic Symmetries and Hourglass Superconductors
Y. Gao, A. Fischer, L. Klebl, M. Claassen, A. Rubio, L. Huang, D. M. Kennes, L. D. Xian
Magnon frequency renormalization by the electronic geometrical spin torque in itinerant magnets
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