Planck Academy - internal training offers
The Max Planck Society offers all employees Max Planck-wide, target-group-specific opportunities for further training and personal career development.
People-centred approach
The Planck Academy has a clear vision: to offer all employees the opportunity to learn more about themselves, to expand and deepen what they have learned, to discover new things and to broaden their own horizons of experience. And all this in a positive working atmosphere in the spirit of the Max Planck Community.
In practice, this means accompanying employees in such a way that they can carry out their tasks in the best possible way right from the start and make optimum use of their skills in the course of their career development.
The projects currently focus on leadership, talent management, onboarding and diversity.
New learning formats: It depends on the mixture
Access is easy and user-friendly. Various learning, development and network formats are used, as are presence and online formats, coaching, mentoring and self-reflection tools. In the Planck Academy, presence formats are linked with virtual offerings, for example with e-learning modules, how-to videos or webinars. The basis for this is the Learning Management System (LMS).
For information about how to log in to the Training Center of the LMS please visit the corresponding intranet page.