Basics of chemistry and biochemistry - IMPRS-UFAST core course
IMPRS-UFAST core course
- Start: Sep 26, 2017 09:00 AM (Local Time Germany)
- End: Sep 29, 2017 04:00 PM
- Speaker: R. J. Dwayne Miller & Zoya Ignatova
- Location: CFEL (Bldg. 99)
- Room: Seminar Room IV, O1.111

In this course, chemistry will mainly be understood as reactions. The course gives an overview about the basics of reaction chemistry and discuss what is already known and what can be measured in the laboratory nowadays (i.e. describing the current frontiers and where the research performed at CFEL can make a difference). In the biochemistry part, the basic principles of nucleic acids (DNA, RNA, their replication etc.) and proteins, their structure and function etc. will be discussed. It will be interesting to work out where the new coherent sources can advance the field.
In the afternoon there will be a hands-on introduction on how to work in the lab by Briony Yorke and Marta Sans Valls.
09:30h-13:00h SemRm IV
14:00h-16:00h Lab
09:30h-13:00h SemRm III
14:00h-16:00h Lab