PIER Graduate Week 2016
- Start: Oct 10, 2016
- End: Oct 13, 2016
- Location: CFEL (Bldg. 99)
- Host: PIER, DESY, Universität Hamburg

The graduate week's main objective is to introduce PhD students to neighbouring research fields, and to offer stimulating specialists' lectures from both national and international experts, thereby broadening the interdisciplinary understanding and exchange among young scientists on Bahrenfeld campus. A scientific colloquium, an industry lecture and a number of research and career skills workshops complement the programme. During the graduate week, joint coffee breaks, lunches and get-togethers provide great opportunities for informal discussions, exchange of ideas, socialising and fun.
Introductory and focus courses
Each course is a consecutive four-day series of mini lectures. The
introductory courses are designed for doctoral candidates who would like
to learn more about a related research field, while the focus courses
are for those interested in in-depth sessions in their own area of
Scientific colloquium
The scientific colloquium is a talk given by a high profile speaker, who
provides an overview of one of the research areas within the PIER
research fields. This year, we have invited Prof. Dieter Luest,
Max-Planck-Institute for Physics and Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität,
Munich, who will talk about "Quantum Aspects of Black Holes".
Industry talk
On Tuesday, 11 October, Dr. Sven Klussmann, Chief Scientific Officer of
NOXXON Pharma AG, Berlin, will give a talk about his inspiring career
from PhD student to successful science start-up founder and co-owner of a
well-established stock corporation. NOXXON Pharma is a biotechnology
company focusing on cancer treatment.
Research and career skills workshops
These complementary workshops combine short lectures with practical
exercises and homework. Please note: The places for the workshops are
Gleb Arutyunov (Hamburg), Tobias Brandes (Berlin), Andrew Cleland
(Chicago), Monika Fleischer (Tübingen), Niek van Hulst (Barcelona), Sven
Klussmann (Berlin), Peter Kolb (Marburg), Jochen Küpper (Hamburg),
Dieter Lüst (Munich), Henning Moritz (Hamburg), Angel Rubio (Hamburg),
Kazuki Sakurai (Durham, UK), Henning Tidow (Hamburg), Sebastian Trippel
(Hamburg), Karel Vyborny (Prague), Gerhard Wolber (Berlin)
Local organising committee
Robert Blick (Nanosciences), Jochen Küpper (Photon Science), Jan Louis
(Particle and Astroparticle Physics), Markus Perbandt (Infection and
Structural Biology), Robin Santra (speaker of the PIER Helmholtz
Graduate School), Mirko Siemssen (coordinator of the PIER Helmholtz
Graduate School), Matthias Kreuzeder (DESY)