Theoretical challenges: simulating materials out of equilibrium
MPSD Theory Workshop
- Start: Jun 1, 2016
- End: Jun 3, 2016
- Location: CFEL (Bldg. 99)
- Room: Seminar Room I-III, EG.076-080
- Host: Angel Rubio

The scientific program takes place on June 2 and June 3 and includes invited talks by
· Massimo Altarelli (European XFEL)
· Andrea Cavalleri (MPI for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter)
· Ignacio Cirac (MPI of Quantum Optics)
· Ignacio Franco (U. Rochester)
· Eberhard Gross (MPI of Microstructure Physics)
· Lucia Reining (École Polytechnique / ETSF)
· Raffaele Resta (U. Trieste / DEMOCRITOS)
· Matthias Scheffler (Fritz Haber Institute)
· Walter Thiel (Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung)
· Erio Tosatti (SISSA / ICTP / DEMOCRITOS)
The program finishes on Friday afternoon with the Hamburg Photon Science Colloquium by Roberto Car (Princeton U.).
The scientific program will be preceded by a welcome event to present the by now fully established Theory Department at the MPSD to scientific colleagues on the campus in Bahrenfeld and throughout Hamburg. This event takes place on Wednesday, June 1, at 17.00.
Attendance to the workshop is free. However, to arrange catering etc. we ask you to register via the registration form on the workshop website (linked on the top right). Please register as early as possible to facilitate the organization of the workshop.