Ultrafast Electron Kinetics in Graphene
Hamburg Photon Science Colloquium
- Date: Jun 17, 2016
- Time: 02:00 PM - 03:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
- Speaker: Andreas Knorr
- Technische Universität Berlin
- Location: CFEL (Bldg. 99)
- Room: Seminar Room I-III, EG.076-080
- Host: CFEL, CUI, DESY, European XFEL, HZG, MPSD, SFB 925, UHH

Graphene is an ideal material to study new processes in the ultrafast carrier kinetics of a two-dimensional system: Its linear energy dispersion and the vanishing bandgap allow new and surpising electron scattering processes, suppressed in conventional semiconductors: A typical, fascinating example is a process which generates two optically excited electrons out of one photon.