Femtosecond electron diffraction to probe structural dynamics in nanoscale materials
Max Planck Quantum Matter Seminar
- Date: Jul 8, 2021
- Time: 03:00 PM - 04:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
- Speaker: Helene Seiler
- FHI Berlin
- Location: online via Zoom
- Host: Gregor Jotzu

In this talk, I will discuss how the method of femtosecond electron diffraction (FED) probes structural dynamics in nanoscale materials. After providing a general introduction to the technique, I will illustrate its capabilities in two examples: (i) As a first example, I will discuss how FED directly reveals the long-range atomic motions accompanying singlet exciton fission in pentacene single crystals. (ii) As a second example, I will show how FED can be used to probe in detail the non-radiative dissipation pathways in photo-excited materials. Specifically, I will discuss an approach to study the microscopic energy flows in a photo-excited thin film of black phosphorus with time- and momentum-resolution.