Probing Topological Matter by «Heating»: From Quantized Circular Dichroism to Tensor Monopoles
MPSD Seminar
- Date: Jan 15, 2019
- Time: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
- Speaker: Nathan Goldman
- Université libre de Bruxelles, Dept. Physics of Complex Systems (CENOLI)
- Location: CFEL (Bldg. 99)
- Room: Seminar Room I, EG.076
- Host: Gregor Jotzu / Andrea Cavalleri
In this talk, I will discuss how the
geometry of quantum states can be revealed using a universal scheme based on excitation-rate
measurements upon periodic driving [1,2,3]. When applied to Chern insulators or
Landau levels, this approach leads to a quantized circular dichroism phenomenon
[1,2], which can be interpreted as the dissipative counterpart of the quantum
Hall effect. Besides, we will present protocols allowing for the experimental
detection of the quantum metric tensor [3,4], which could be applied to detect
new forms of monopoles in higher dimensions [5]. Finally, I will report on the
first experimental observation of quantized circular dichroism in an ultracold
Fermi gas [6], and describe how this scheme can be applied to reveal the
topological order of fractional Chern insulators [7].
[1] D. T. Tran, A. Dauphin, A. G.
Grushin, P. Zoller and N. Goldman, Science Advances 3, e1701207 (2017).
[2] D. T. Tran, N. R. Cooper, and N. Goldman, Phys. Rev. A 97, 061602(R)
[3] T. Ozawa and N. Goldman, Phys. Rev. B 97, 201117(R) (2018).
[4] M. Yu, P. Yang, M. Gong, Q. Cao, Q. Lu, H. Liu, M. B. Plenio, F. Jelezko, T.
Ozawa, N. Goldman, S. Zhang and J. Cai, arXiv:1811.12840 (2018)
[5] G. Palumbo and N. Goldman, Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 170401 (2018).
[6] L. Asteria, D. T. Tran, T. Ozawa, M. Tarnowski, B. S. Rem,
N. Fläschner, K. Sengstock, N. Goldman and C. Weitenberg, arXiv:1805.11077 (2018).
[7] C. Repellin and N. Goldman,
arXiv:1811.08523 (2018).