Topping-out ceremony "a milestone" for growing MPSD

Researchers at the MPSD use ultra-short light flashes to study and manipulate the properties of matter. On the research campus they have a unique range of light sources at their disposal – from table top lasers to the newly-opened European XFEL. The growing MPSD currently shares its premises in the Center for Free-Electron Laser Science (CFEL) with DESY – the Deutsches Elektronen Synchronotron – and the University of Hamburg.
In the new building, scientists will work in state-of-the-art, vibration-free physics and chemistry laboratories. It will also house electronic and mechanical workshops as well as a new server room for the institute’s new super computers.

The open layout of the building and its proximity to the CFEL are designed to support the day-to-day scientific exchange. Seminar rooms, common areas and the rooftop restaurant will boost the close collaboration between scientists of all the organizations on the research campus.
Hamburg’s science senator Katharina Fegebank said at the topping-out ceremony: “The new premises for the renowned Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter represent a further important step towards the expansion of the research campus Bahrenfeld: together with our partners from the higher education sector and beyond we are creating a unique hub of structural research, which will strengthen Hamburg’s visibility as an international science and innovation metropolis. The building’s facilities and its environment offer the best possible conditions for scientists to advance their research into the things that make up our world and hold it together.”
Professor Angel Rubio, the managing director of the MPSD, added: “I am delighted to see the progress in the construction of this building, which we celebrate at today’s topping-out ceremony. We have reached a further milestone in the development of our institute. Thanks to the research opportunities this new building offers, we will be able to attract even more world-class scientists to our institute and this internationally visible research location.”
The City of Hamburg is contributing €37 million towards the new MPSD building. It offers 6.300 square meters of user space and accommodation for 160 staff. The completion of its external structure was celebrated with a traditional topping-out ceremony under blue skies – then a crane lifted the topping-out wreath high above the five-storey building.